From a small package, which looks even smaller in the huge as trunk of my Scoda Octavia, to a nice big Buddipole Antenna. The galery below shows step by step, how to set it up. the whole process is less than 10minutes.
The yellow stand for my OLD 2.4m Buddipole mast (they changed them in 2009) is by no means an original part. It’s just a simple stand for what we in germany call a „Baustrahler“ – a lamp for construction sides. One can buy it for less than 20€ here in germany in loads of hardware stores or amazon. Eventhough the package displays the legs to be angled differently, one can only fix them to a 90° angle. I actually am happy with that, as it makes for a better support and it might make it possible to set the whole thing up without guying wires. (MIGHT POSSIBLY…As I had to learn, the whips of the Buddipole break, if it falls, so don’t ever go without those guying wires and tent stakes) The top part of the yellow stand slides right in the lowest part of the Buddipole mast, a little chip of wood or a stick keeps the mast from turning, as it has a little play. Setting it up is easy. Just put the stand in place, put the mast atop, screw on the Versatee, the arms etc. and then extend the mast’s and stand’s sections. Don’t forget to fix the coax cable to the mast and Versatee! Getting the Buddipole back down within range for your hands, so you can adjust whip length and coil clip position, is very easy and done within seconds. So once again, leave that tuner at home and make your antenna resonant by itself 😉